Seasons of deep discernment and decision can be a slog. When things get really murky, you don’t even know what to pray for. The column of pros and cons is each longer than both of your arms and when you try to form words into a prayer, the logic of language constantly fails you.
It’s at these times when you just have to recline on the couch, kick your feet up on the coffee table, spread your arms open wide, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and turn off the part of your brain that relies on language to communicate. Open yourself for a full-soul scan from God. Drop below language and pray the unspoken prayer of the soul.
To the naked eye, it looks like you’re sitting in silence. But in reality, you’re laying it all bare and handing it all off to God to handle (God is already handling it, but it sure helps to acknowledge it in this form of prayer). Speak to God in feeling-tone rather than spoken logical language.
Know it is being handled
and that God is walking with you
along the path with a million forks.