Hey, great job yesterday…
You beat your heart 100,000 times. Grew your fingernails out 3.47 millimeters. Grew your hair out a half a millimeter and took 22,000 breaths. You were exposed to about 100,000,000 viruses yesterday, but you used your white blood cells and your lymphatic system to fight them off.
And that’s just a start.
But hey, that’s a ton of work! How’d you manage all of that? Talk about grinding, amiright?!
Oh, wait...
All of that went down without your conscious control?!
You didn’t try to do any of it?
Hmm... I wonder what else is happening in your life without even one thought from you. Maybe the things that you and I are conscious of are the most rudimentary.
It looks to me like God could be up to all sorts of miraculous things without even notifying you in advance. Trust falls feel amazing with the right partner. God might just be up to the task.
In comfort + joy,