Lately, there’s been a phrase going around in my seminary circle (I have no idea if it’s been going around the outside world since I’m trapped in this bubble for the time being). The meme has been this…
I (or ‘we’) can do hard things.
Yes… As I violently study for my Greek final and write several other papers that are due in a week, it helps to know that I, too, can do ‘hard things’. So, thank you. But here’s where I am right now…
I want to do more useless superfluous things.
I want to do more needless and unproductive things.
Things that have no other point than my raw sensorial enjoyment. Things that I don’t have to do in order to stake a claim, (etc.). But things I’m free to do because I’m an eternally beloved child of God.
I’ve been doing hard things for a long time. You probably have too. Good on us. There’s a place for that.
But the ego sinks its teeth into that stuff.
May we accept our belovedness in Christ and rather do more things just for the pure enjoyment of them. Things that get us out of our heads and into our lives. Things that have no measurable or performative outcomes.
This is my prayer.
God, give us the freedom
to do more superfluous things.
Grace & Godspeed,
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Jonas, I have often been reminded by my inner guidance that when nothing of importance is happening in my outer life, it is because I'm doing a great deal of importance in the inner realms. . . . Just something to consider while enjoying doing your superfluous things.