I'm giving up social media for Lent
Sure, I could swear off candy bars, coffee, or beer. But I’d rather cut deeper to the root vice of our modern human situation: social media.
As I’ve reported here, I’ve already moved away from Facebook. There were withdrawals at first, but the shakes have subsided. I’ve been on Instagram, though, and I quite like it. I’ve curated my feed so that it’s an enjoyable experience when I log on (I mean, are we ever NOT logged on?). At least the algorithm on Instagram doesn’t bring the most obnoxious nonsense to the top of my feed.
I don’t see myself as stepping away from social media altogether, but I want to take a break from it so that I may come back to it with a renewed purpose.
I want to be more intentional with how I use social media. Right now, I just post for the sake of posting. I haven’t even posted these entries there for whatever reason. I guess I feel safer in people’s inboxes than on social feeds. Anyhow…
Social media is such a powerful tool. We can either use it in ways that harm us and our neighbors or in ways that uplift. I’m prayerful that I can move towards the latter.
So, I’ll continue writing here, but I’m giving up social media for Lent. If you’re looking for a more creative penitential release for this liturgical season beyond chocolate and trans fat, maybe you can join me?
As Ever,