There’s a big distinction between happiness and joy.
I mean, it’s fine to be happy. I’m happy when my kid behaves perfectly or when my Amazon package comes in 24 hours instead of 48. Happiness is what makes you smile for a minute or an afternoon, but it doesn’t leave an imprint on your soul or anyone else’s.
Happiness tends to deny the darkness. And sometimes we need this. God delights in our happiness.
But joy… We find joy on the other side of the cross. The joyous have been through the dark night of the soul. Joy is not scared of the dark and does not resist it. Instead, it holds the dark gently knowing that the darkness merely provides the container for the light to shine within it. Joy knows that the darkness never wins and it’s not about winning anyway, since in our relative world, one cannot exist without the other.
Joy holds onto the promise that in divine reality, light is all there truly is. It holds onto the promise that one day we will all return to the light that we originate from. For now, we travel a journey with darkness that provides beautiful contrast with the light.
But even here, darkness always yields to light.