Our bodies need a place to live, and the places we live need bodies to inhabit them. Humans were created to care for the world, and the world was created to be cared for.
- Andrew Peterson
This whole caring-for-the-earth thing, at its core, is more of a can thing than a should thing. It’s not meant to be a slog. The false reality of Sin twists it that way, unfortunately.
Stewarding the earth is something we were created to do. And the earth was designed to take care of us. We are God-breathed dirt creatures according to Genesis. Being in right relationship with the soil, water, flora, fauna, and air brings joy to our bodies and souls.
As far as the order of things go, humans and the rest of the created world are siblings. When we take care of each other, there’s a felt symbiosis. And when we’re off (which we have been for so long) the conflict tugs at the core of us.
In Joy,
Well said!
This is such a mind-transforming note on what this stuff about "caring for the Earth" really means. Beautiful! Thank you!!