Never underestimate the power of this
when you walk into a room full of people
that weighs you down.
Spirit doesn’t wait for them to change the mood.
Spirit is looking for a conduit to breathe through
in order to animate the heavy-hearted
out of nothing.
Just as the body can be a transmitter of disease,
the Spirit is a contagion for plenty of joy
to go around
and you are the host.
May the Spirit enliven you today
making every room you walk into
(physical or digital)
come alive.
I love it when the Spirit changes the temperature of a room from negative to positive by just one comment. Hopefully it comes from my mouth.
I have found from experience that often the entire mood of a room can change just by our presence without a single word ever being spoken. I would say it is that magically mystical happening that takes place when we let Spirit flow through us unhampered by the efforts of our personality self.