It’s easy to feel disconnected from God when you’re in one of those seasons of life when you feel lost, last, lonely, broken, or beaten down. You may think that you’re too much work for God to handle. That you’re of no use - that God has given up on you.
I’m sorry if the church has made you feel this way. Because perpetuating this notion is completely non-Scriptural.
Your lastness, your lostness, your leastness, your brokenness...
These are exactly God’s cup of tea.
God creates OUT OF NOTHING.
God creates love where there is no love because
God IS the ultimate source of love.
In fact, the more ‘down’ you feel, the more God has to work with.
I know I’m supposed to tell you to keep up the fight. To try harder. To hold your head up high.
But if you’ve ever been down - like, really down (yes, you know what I’m talking about)... You know how daunting these soundbites of motivational drivel sound.
So here’s the Good News…
You are free to give up the fight. To stop swinging at the darkness. You are free to just open your hands and say, “Here, God... YOU do it. Take this from me.” With God, you are free to lay your head down.
Not that it’s a guarantee, but it’s typically when you stop looking for the car keys that you find them. It’s when you stop fighting with life that you can just... Be. And allow this season to pass.
It’s when you come to the end of your virtuous rope that you can accept something new.
God can only work with your nothingness. Which is bad news if you think that you control your life. But for those who know better, this rings sweetly as the best news ever.
I so needed to hear this. Thank you.