The false myth of achievement
There is a myth that says that life is something to be achieved. It’s a myth that is ingrained and perpetuated in our culture today.Â
But, alas... This is a false myth. An unreality.Â
Life is to be beheld, received, revered, enjoyed, and shared.
Not achieved.
At the end of our life, sure, our loved ones might pepper their words about us with our achievements like cheap window dressing. But in all, the remembrance of our achievements will dissipate like vapor.Â
The achievements that we deemed so important
the ones that we put so much of our focus on
in the end
will be the minor footnotes of our lives.Â
It is because of Jesus’s achievement
in tearing down the basis of our false achievements
that we are free
from the bondage of achievement
and liberated
to enjoy our entire life as an achievement
not born from our efforts
but as a product of the endless joy
of our creative God.