“We all are born into the world looking for someone looking for us, and that we remain in this mode of searching for the rest of our lives.”
-Curt Thompson
As soon as we come out of our mother’s womb, one of the first things we do on a cognitive level is look around and wonder, “Will somebody look at me and love me?”
We are wired for this longing and we never stop hunting for it. And the more we live, it becomes apparent that no human will ever feel the lack.
In this human incarnation, we are drops from the vast sea of God. When we die, we become one with the ocean again. But until then, drops we will remain. And the longing will linger.
We will, throughout our human journey, become encountered by the Sea. The sound of the lapping of Her waves echoing in our ears will remind us where we are from and where we will return.
It is in those moments of encounter that we feel most alive.
We want more of this.
Like when we’re at dinner with a loved one or a dear friend and something deeper and more inexplicable than the conversation wraps you up in a state of connection.
Or when you’re walking through the forest and you look up at that cathedral of redwoods towering above you and something deeper and transcendent than the mere physicality of the trees enraptures you in beauty.
Or when you’ve had a bad bitter season with your child and out of the blue, forgiveness swoops in and heals the rupture in your heart making restoration a real possibility.
These are the moments
when our dropness
is encountered
by the oceanic oneness
that we were born from.
The infinitude roars forth
that we carry with us
in the finitude
of our hearts.
In Joy,
Thank you. This was a balm for my heart I didn't realize I needed.