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The ‘nones’ say they don’t need religion to (I’ll quote) “live a good life.”
I agree with them
They’re right.
(In fact, I was one of them. For a long time.)
I don’t know if church should (or was intended to) be a place to learn how to live our best lives.
Rather than a place to strive for betterment, I’d say that church better serves its divine purpose as a place for broken and hurting people to fall down without losing their sense of self-worth.
I say that church should be a sanctuary to safely trust-fall back into God’s grace along with a communion of sinner-saints, not a spiritual/moral/social/political gym.
We have a lot of metaphorical and literal gyms in our world. The gym (of course) is a gym. The yoga studio is a gym. The workplace is a gym. Social media is a gym. And a lot of churches are gyms. It’s all about striving to get better and better and better. There is no room for falling down.
We need a place to fall down.
Now, more than ever.
Grace & Godspeed,