It’s been some weeks since I’ve sent a weekly compendium like this because I haven’t really been posting enough to warrant it.
Just so has it that I posted a few blogs on Medium this week which I’ll link to below. I don’t know if you got my memo from a couple of weeks ago about trying to email my blogs to you directly through Medium via their new email feature. Well, I tested it out and there are quite a few bugs. So, I didn’t email the posts I published this last week. Here they are if you’d care to dive in…
Be chosen
They say that we must “choose ourselves.” This sounds great, in theory… Sometimes, on our good days, it’s even possible. But if I’ll be honest, it’s far easier said than done. That’s because we know ourselves better than anyone. I was with me (I know, so meta) when I thought, did, and said those things. How can I choose myself (aka ‘love myself’) when I know how much I’ve failed and how horrible of a human I can sometimes be?… [Read More]
Freedom to move in slow motion
We all have a lot of reasons to hurry. To rush. I’ve been feeling it quite a bit in my recent years and it’s not getting better as I get older. The inner wheel just starts spinning… Faster and faster and faster. It wobbles and flails and the axle is about to break. The hands of the clock inside our minds start to accelerate until they’re a blur… [Read More]
Law dog
Some people think that the point of the Christian faith is to learn how to be a ‘good person’ (whatever that means). In this way of looking at it, the more ‘religious’ you are and the more you pray and go to church, the ‘better’ you are and the more God will favor you. This is so limited… [Read More]
In Comfort + Joy,