Well, I’d planned on a ‘normal’ week last week (I know, how ridiculous of me) but then my daughter’s school wound up short of staff due to Omicron and had to shut down all week. That being said, like countless other parents across the US, a lot of things went undone (or underdone) and one of those things was this newsletter.
Parents, this is really damn hard. Getting the call (for the however-manyeth time) that, TOMORROW, the school will be shut down for a day or a week or whatever and, well, figure it out.
I don’t know… My wife and I, who have ample enough resources, can barely handle it. I just can’t imagine how hard this is on those who can’t so easily adapt. My heart and deepest prayers go out to you as we wade through another season of this pandemic. We’ve never done this before and we’re all figuring it out. That goes for parents, extended family of parents, teachers, administrators, and everyone involved. Ugh…
BUT I got a few posts out and I hope you enjoyed them. I played with the audio thing again. They’re fun to do but I don’t know if doing an audio reading for every post is sustainable. We’ll see.
Grace + Godspeed,
P.S. I’ve got a surprising number of new paid subscribers this last week. Thanks so much for stepping up and supporting my work. This is how I pay my bills and I’m eternally grateful. As I’ve mentioned, until February 15th, all of my content will be made available for both free and paid subscribers. After that, only paid subscribers will start getting the bonus content.