This transmission is coming to ya late because I’ve been out of town on a little family getaway to the bay area of California. We just got home last night. Every couple of months, we try to make it to the city because when you live in a town of 800 people - which is charming, don’t get me wrong - you need a change of scenery and exposure to culture every now and again.
On the first leg of the trip, we stayed in San Francisco for a few nights. I took the photo above (and way more below) at Grace Episcopal Cathedral. The coolest unexpected thing happened there. We went to a Choral Evensong and got there about 20 minutes early. When we walked in, there was a small group of people at the front listening to an angelic voice that sounded super familiar. As we walked up closer (the cathedral is ginormous), there in front of me was none other than… BOBBY MCFERRIN!! No kidding! One of my favorite voices in all of history was sitting there giving a private showing to a 103-year-old WW2 Veteran and his family and friends. We only caught a song or two, but what a holy experience. And then it was followed up with another holy experience of sitting through Choral Evensong. Seeing a full choir procession and a sacred liturgy scratched the itch that my soul so badly needed.
The second leg of the trip was absolutely magical. We drove along Hwy 1 from San Francisco to Pt. Reyes national forest where we stayed at St. Columba’s Episcopal Retreat. The building belonged to the uber-wealthy Frick family before they sold it to the Episcopal church. The chapel was the Frick’s living room and there are about a half-dozen guest suites and bunk houses. It’s like you’re In the morning, I got up early and sat on the sofa looking out the large windows as the sun rose over Tomales Bay. There’s something about showering and walking down the hall to the chapel following the sound of a choir warming up for mass. It’s like a church moved in while you were sleeping! Their liturgy is beautiful. It’s Celtic-inspired and reverent without being stuffy. After mass, we had lunch with the Vicar (Priest), Fr. Vincent Pizzuto, and his husband, Fernando who hosted us. I found Vincent’s work online and deeply resonated with it. I’m now happy to call him a friend. I have a lot to learn from him and look forward to many more fruitful visits.
Prayer of the Week
Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost
O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without you nothing is strong, nothing is holy. Embrace us with your mercy, that with you as our ruler and guide, we may live through what is temporary without losing what is eternal, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Weekly Grab Bag of Links and Things
About the only thing I can recommend to you beyond the links above is this fascinating article about
. I think she’s a fascinating woman and I’m a big fan of her work - her music, her poetry, and even her Substack letter which you can find here! Here’s the article from the Guardian that I just read… Enjoy!Posts from earlier in the week
Weekly Snaps
As Ever,