Where three are gathered (Things get reeeeeeally complicated)
When it’s just my wife and I hanging out, things are pretty chill.
When it’s just my daughter and I hanging out, things are pretty chill.
When it’s just my wife and daughter, I hear that things are also pretty chill.
But when the three of us are hanging out together, things can get way more complicated. There are automatically a number of power dynamics that come into play in the room. Rory is trying to make sure both Alex and I are paying attention to her. I get mad at Rory and Alex tells me to calm down and stop trying to control the situation.
I could go on.
You get the point.
This brings me to the Holy Trinity. It’s messy by nature because it’s not binary. It’s not this-or-that, black-or-white, right-or-wrong. It’s about placing ourselves in the midst of a complex triune relationship and all of the beauty it holds.
Grace & Godspeed,