You're Killing Me
“You’re killing me,” God said to Godself as humans killed each other in God’s name.
“You’re killing me,” God said to Godself throughout human history as we tried to fit God into law and dogma.
“You’re killing me,” God said to Godself as humans despised themselves for not living up to their internal egoic scoreboards as they assigned God the role of referee.
“You’re killing me,” God said to Godself as humans used God’s name to dehumanize, ostracize, and ridicule other humans.
And one day, God decided to stop talking to Godself and instead, hop into human flesh in the womb of a teenage peasant girl in lowly Nazareth to eventually be hung on a cross and say it through his actions out loud...
“You’re killing me.”
But God’s words didn’t end there. A new word of grace had to be proclaimed...
“You are forgiven.”
”It is finished.”
A new creation has been born.
Doesn’t do us much good to ponder this
But merely to accept the promise
And be born anew.
May this bring you comfort this Adventide evening.
Grace & Godspeed,