Merciful God, who by the cross and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, cheated death of its final victory and so brought life from the grave; embrace your servants now, who having died with Christ may rise again in glory. Look tenderly, O Lord, upon all who entered their words here, who grieve the loss of their loved ones. Encircle us in your love, that gathering beneath your Cross, the Tree of Life, we may not be overwhelmed by our loss, but remain forever rooted in you, in whose branches we might find comfort and grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reins with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God of Love, for ever and ever. Amen.

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My Mama Jo

She died at age 55 over 32 years ago. I still remember the look and feel of her hands, her smile as if I was her greatest treasure. I am now 63 years old. No one made me feel as special as my mother. She was a wonderful person and personified goodness. I remember her today.

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My mom died 19 years ago on All Hallows’ Eve, and her memorial service/mass service was 19 years ago today. She was such a beautiful soul!

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Henry Joseph Sandigo

March 27th,1963 to Nov 1, 2021

Something I’ll always remember about my dad is his generosity. One afternoon, he ran into a friend that he went to high school with at a gas station one and found out he was homeless and unemployed. My dad gave him a spare car we had, paid for the registration and necessary paperwork, and gave him some cash to help out until he got a job. My dad didn’t post about it on Facebook or tell people about this act. He gave in secret. And he always had a way of having getting straight to the point in telling you the uncomfortable things you needed to hear to grow as a human, but always peppered it with some humor. I remember lots of laughter. Thankful for Christ. Until I became a Christian we always butted heads. the last two years of his life we were best friends, didn’t argue and had some good talks about life and the Bible. A gift greater than gold. Thanks Jesus

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