If you think that God only wants you to talk about God in big, Bible-ey words over and over like a skipping record, methinks you’re sorely mistaken.
God doesn’t require this,
the false self does.
God digs it when you glorify Her1 through your love and enthusiasm about Her creation. To God, this is plenty.
In Comfort + Joy,
I’ve gotten some emails about this, so let me say… I try to be as true to Scripture as I can. And throughout Scripture - Hebrew Bible and New Testament - God is described as both male and female. I use both male, female, and agender (thou) pronouns for God. But since our culture has cast so much maleness onto God these last few centuries, I’m trying to help swing the pendulum back in the other direction by using the Divine Feminine as much as I can:)
This is the perfect time in history for us to recognize that the Divine has no gender. God just is, everything. I wake up to that every time you use "she" Jonas. thank you
Personally I see the Father and the Son as male and the Holy Spirit as female, but as one God they are truly both male and female. Also, if I read Genesis 1:27 correctly, Adam was first created as both male and female. It was only later that the female was taken from him. Herman de Waal