Beautifully stated, Jonas! You did pick the perfect words to highlight your thoughts! And indeed I do know that ecstatic feeling at seeing the words expressed just right on paper... or, conversely, the agony of regretting something written and printed that is not quite right according to my high standards of perfection. Also, as with my being a musician and a teacher, I simply cannot not be a writer! I've tried, but it doesn't work -- the words keep flooding through my brain until they finally get put down into written form. My muse is very persistent.
I write because I cannot not write. I'm sure that makes sense to you! Nowadays I'm limiting my writing because of time constraints but write I will. I too can read for hours on end. My world is really a simple place. I believe so is yours. Keep going!
Beautifully stated, Jonas! You did pick the perfect words to highlight your thoughts! And indeed I do know that ecstatic feeling at seeing the words expressed just right on paper... or, conversely, the agony of regretting something written and printed that is not quite right according to my high standards of perfection. Also, as with my being a musician and a teacher, I simply cannot not be a writer! I've tried, but it doesn't work -- the words keep flooding through my brain until they finally get put down into written form. My muse is very persistent.
I write because I cannot not write. I'm sure that makes sense to you! Nowadays I'm limiting my writing because of time constraints but write I will. I too can read for hours on end. My world is really a simple place. I believe so is yours. Keep going!