I know… I’ve been silent for a good bit these last couple of weeks. But that’s because (drumroll, please)…
It was made official a couple of weeks ago. I’m sorry I didn’t announce it until now, but as you can probably imagine, we’ve been super busy moving our lives from the High Sierras to the Central Coast. We’re situated now, and my first official day was yesterday (my first service is on Sunday).
In the Lutheran church, you’re not officially a pastor until a group of people (aka, a church) asks you to be their pastor. So, even though I graduated with my MDiv in May, and I had the certificate in my hands, I was not considered an official pastor until now. This is because, the way Lutherans see it, the external call is just as important as the internal call. Just as there is no father or mother without an external other (the child), there is no pastor without an external other (the congregation).

The next step for me is ordination. Now that I have accepted a call to be a pastor, I can officially be ordained into the priesthood. In this ceremony, there is the “laying on of hands” where the Bishop - who is part of ‘apostolic succession’ - places hands on my shoulders and makes me the next link in the long chain of ordained clergy that supposedly dates back to St. Peter. I have not yet been able to perform the part of the Mass that involves holding up the bread and wine (aka the ‘words of institution’) until I receive that blessing. I’ve been waiting years for that blessing, and I can’t believe it’s right around the corner.

Okay, that’s the update for now. Much more to come as I get back in the swing of things on the blog here.
As Ever,
You can visit the website here (just know that it needs a ton of work, which I look forward to digging into): https://www.aptoschurch.org/
Congratulations. Aptos is a very fortunate community to be blessed by you and your family.
I always said I would be there when you do your first sermon in your own church but sadly, I don't think it will be a reality. But I will watch if you tape it. Let us know.
Please, please just remain Jonas with the wonderful wit that made us follow you all these years. And BTW, if you ever have a spare moment, watch Father Jim at St. Cecilia's in Boston on a Sunday or a replay. Much love, take care and I'm so happy for you. It's been a long journey.