My daughter-in-law made a post on Instagram in which she commented, “You are loved. You are seen. You are heard. #blackouttuesday”

I do not accept that we are a racist country. We have racists here and we have allowed our elected leaders to institutionalize racism without demanding that they stop. What we are guilty of, what I am guilty of, is not speaking out, and not making all of our brothers and sisters feel seen, heard and loved.

I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. We are not that great at evangelizing and trying to make converts. We simply go out into the world and work to help people and in so doing, we pray that they see “a light so lovely” that they will want to know more. We simply live out our faith in every moment of our lives, except when we fall down in sin, at which point we repent, confess and try again.

As we Orthodox move through our communities in our daily lives, we pray that those around us will see and feel the love of Christ. If the black communities don’t feel seen or loved, it is our fault. It is my fault.

Yes, there are racists among us, but every time I hear a politician, a person in the news media, entertainment, or clergy call us a racist country, I am reminded of my own sin of silence. I am not a racist but my silence has made me complicit. Please forgive me.

To God be the glory,


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I'll write more on this tonight:) Thanks for your courage in sharing this perspective.

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I look forward to it!

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I love this. So much. Thank you, Sandra.

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Every time I read your work, I see again why it is so important.

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Powerful and truly insightful reality! Thank you for sharing this, Jonas.

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