Amen to all of this, Jonas.

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Amen to that prayer at the end.

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Great essay. A book recommendation for you: Brian Mahan’s Forgetting Ourselves on Purpose- Vocation and the Ethics of Ambition (2010).

Mayan is a Christian educator who ends each chapter with thinking/writing assignments. A book that should be read slowly for greatest impact. You might find this book useful in your journey.

I used the book a few times in a Leadership and Work course I taught at a (secular) private, science university as one of several choices for students’ final paper and presentation.

Oddly enough, this book “called to me” while pursuing books in a bookshop…not the first time that a book called to me.

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I completely agree with what you have so eloquently expressed here, Jonas!

An added thought: I realize the Church does not generally endorse this view, but the concept of separateness is only in this 3rd density illusory reality; in the real reality we are all One. Therefore, indeed, why make so much effort to enhance the individual 'self' rather than the Oneness of all?!

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