Yes Jonas, I like this! Theosophy speaks about God as 'the One about whom naught can be said'... and in 'Star Wars' we all know about 'The Force'. These are just a few ways of de-personifying God as an advanced human being.

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Thanks, Beth! Can you remind me what 'theosophy' means... It's an intriguing term but I've never been able to find a clear definition of it. (If you have time - if not, no worries at all.) Thanks again!

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Theosophy is 'the ancient wisdom'... or now called 'the ageless wisdom'. It is the foundation of all religions, spiritual belief systems, etc. If a person has followed any spiritual teachings, they will have encountered some aspect of Theosophy, and so Theosophy will feel familiar to them. The main tenants of Theosophy are reincarnation, karma, and universal brotherhood, which a person can follow or not... total freedom to believe or not! That's it in a nutshell, Jonas. Thanks for asking.

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Jonas, after I sent this, I realized something interesting. When I wrote 'tenents' of Theosophy, spellcheck insisted the word was misspelled and forced me to the spelling of 'tenants' (in reality, a term connected with rentals!). I remembered that spellcheck often does not recognize metaphysical or spiritual words, and therefor calls them misspelled. Please know that I was speaking of spiritual belief systems... and the correct word is 'tenents'! Good example of technology trying to control human.

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