“Incarnation is the oldest Christian story. Through Christ, God is pouring God's self into all creation. To be Christian, then, is to see Christ in every thing.”
—Fr. Richard Rohr
Hello, hello
As always, I hope this finds you well and warm wherever in the world you are.
I’m putting something together that I think you might be interested in. It’s a book study/course/conversation based on one of my favorite recently published books and that is - The Universal Christ by Fr. Richard Rohr.
If you’re not familiar with Fr. Rohr, he’s one of a few core thinkers who brought me back to the Christian faith after being away for a while.
It is, of course, the Christmas season. I thought I was crazy releasing this right now. With all the hustle and bustle going on, who has the time to read a book much less actively participate in a book study? But then I realized... This is actually the perfect time to do this - and particularly with this book. My prayer, this Christmas season, is that this study can provide a new incarnation of the Christ presence in the world and what it means in your life (at least, that’s what it did for me).
I’m not sure where you stand on the whole Jesus thing. I had a lot of doubts and questions for a very long time that kept me away from the Christian faith. But in this book, Rohr addresses the major ones and lovingly reintroduces the notion of Christ in a way that’s grace-filled and life-giving.
As we move towards Incarnation Day, I hope that this study will give you a ‘fresh start’ on your relationship with Jesus and the Christ (not exclusively the same thing - as Rohr says in the book: Christ was not Jesus’s last name:))
If you’d like to learn more about Rohr and the book, here are a couple videos of Rohr’s - a short one and a longer one - that go over the book in general.
The shorter one.
The longer one.
Okay... Now for the details...
This is an 8-week book study/course. The first module drops on Dec. 23rd and the last one in mid-February (just before the Lenten season which starts in March this year).
Week 1: Chapters 1&2
Week 2: Chapters 3&4
Week 3: Chapters 5-7
Week 4: Chapters 8-10
Week 5: Chapters 11&12
Week 6: Chapters 13-15
Week 7: Chapters 16-Afterword
Week 8: Appendixes
Two modules will come out per week: one on Monday and one on Saturday. You’ll get email notifications with links when they do so you can jump in right away. Should you happen to lose any of the emails, everything will be available on the main course site (that you’ll get access to should you enroll). This also means that you can go at your own pace if 8 weeks is too fast (we’ll cover 2-3 chapters of the book per week) because everything will live on that central course site once it’s released.
I highly recommend a journal for this study. Each module will be offered in both audio and text format. The module at the beginning of the week will include the suggested reading for the week, reflection questions to ponder (and that you can journal about), and a guided meditation based on the readings. The module at the end of the week will also include a guided meditation as well as my thoughts and perspectives from the week’s readings.
Now, let’s talk about price as well as bonuses for early enrollment.
If you happen to be a Patreon supporter at the $20+/month level - this study is included in your membership. A free access code will be sent to you right after I press ‘send’ on this email.
If you’re not a Patreon supporter of mine, the price of the course is $45. BUT, if you enroll before the 23rd, the price will be $35, so you’ll save $10 if you sign up now.
Another bonus you’ll get for signing up early is access to two live video conference chats during the 8 weeks of the study. I’ll host one towards the middle of the book and one at the end so we can discuss our insights, questions, doubts, and whatever else is relevant.
That there button ^^ will take you to the secure pre-order course website hosted by Gumroad (again - Patreon supporers, I’ll send you the free access code to use there as soon as this email comes out).
I’m really excited to share this book with you. Even if you’ve already read it, I hope this study will deepen your awareness of the principles within its covers and your relationship with the universal Christ.
I look forward to seeing you in the study.
Grace & Godspeed,
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