Sitemap - 2021 - Along the Way with Jonas Ellison
Like Scrooge on Christmas Morning
A Solstice Reflection - Magic is afoot
Advent confession + absolution
Sermon: A fearless inventory of the darkness
Does God's unconditional love create laziness?
Our eyes look outward for a reason
An All Saints reflection on death
Freedom from the imaginary self we're failing to become
Skirting heresy for the sake of the gospel
Why Halloween is more Christian than Christmas
Sermon: True joy vs. false joy
Sermon: What if they were watching?
Bringing back the daily(ish) blog
'Christianity' not 'Biblicism'
Have a plan to see what happens
The perils of a pastor-centric church
Time for another Q&A (and check out my new toy)
What I learned from chaplaincy
[Video Sermon] Impossible? Possible.
[Sermon] The Power of a Promise
I'm giving up social media for Lent
Imagine what you might realize
Ego is the antithesis of true confidence
How to Exist Together on Social Media?
[Sermon] Turn Us From Our Idols
When the mountaintop comes down to you
At least you’re not in a bounce house
The Pundit Impulse and the Power of Revision
Napping as a spiritual practice
[Heather Choate Davis] When Teresa of Avila & Martin Luther walked into a bar